Monday, November 4, 2013

A Sour Lemon Twist (Extra $0.59)

As far as I'm concerned, the U.S. National Government can be a little incompetent sometimes... As a young adult, I have been advised not to get a credit card because soon enough I'd be putting every purchase on it and have this huge amount of debt, bad credit if I didn't pay it off, etc. Why is it that the national government is being as reckless as a young adult? Because it obviously is one.

 With all the new hundred dollar bills I've been receiving as a cashier. This seems a bit relevant.
(Taken from

 Why don't we print more money? Print trillions of dollars to pay off our debt and more. Well now that would be just too easy. The economy would have to adjust to a massive inflation and then everything turns into a complicated order. SECURITY!

(Taken from

Meanwhile in other countries, the U.S. is trying to help gain control of the governments and restore peace, as well as pulling other countries out of their economic collapse while we are coming up on our own. Maybe they'll help us in our time of need. Probably not.

I really am hoping we'll vote a president in office to help fix our financial situation. I know 4, even 8 years isn't much time to pull us out of our debt whirlpool, but I believe it is achievable.

My conservative stepdad speaks of how our education is incredibly important because we (the U.S. government) are bringing in 11 million immigrants and making them citizens "overnight." We, as young adults, compete with them for our minimum wage jobs that exist. This will obviously increase the labor pool as well as unemployment. We already need to create jobs for the current unemployed, labor pool. Why do we need to bring more people in this? Because our big businesses can get away with paying them little to nothing while the rest of us want a raise? It's incredible how cheap America already is, there is so much money flowing in and out of our economy. There is need to support our current population. We can't just bring in more. Every foreigner I encounter speaks how great America is. I am really getting the feeling it isn't as great as it sounds anymore. Just waiting to finish my degree, buy a plane ticket and get the hell out of here!

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup

Healthcare.Gov Problem Solving

Since the opening day of Obamacare's website,, there have been substantial server problems such as crashes and applicants not being able to create accounts. You'd think after three years of preparation for this day that they'd be way more prepared since there was such a strong following behind the bill. In David Jackson's article on USA Today, he reassures the commonwealth population that the Obama administration is really working hard on fixing all the major issues of the healthcare site. I believe that this has been going on since day one, but there might be the need for a server upgrade. There is no true reassurance from Jackson's article. It seems bland and almost emotionless. One comment I'd like to make clear is how the republicans have called the whole program into question with the cause being all the initial problems. This just seems so... normal for republicans. They really hate Obama. There are almost always initial problems with most bills that become initiated into the United states. There is always someone to criticize. I would like to say when the site gets fixed we will see there aren't that many problems. The article itself doesn't give much, if any, factual evidence. The article is really more informative if anything, of information we are already well acquainted with.  It quotes more from other articles than it does contain original information. The author seems credible. His specialty seems to be on Obama.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

You'll need a drink after reading this one!

Shutting Down of the Government... Could this really be happening? On the front page of the Washington Post online showed an article about the government shutting down in October. Hook. Line. Sinker. No fancy title was necessary. Anything about the government shutting down would catch anyone's eye. Many problems seem to be contributing to this potential shut down of the government. The first is that the end of the fiscal year is on October 1st, and no spending bills have been passed which are necessary for the government to operate. Benefits, social security and national security would continue on while every federal employee would see a delay in any sort of pay as well as the military. Obamacare will also be kicked off on October 1st, but it is in need of funding which is being fought over to be stripped to help the government not shut down. America has already reached the borrowing limit. Where is all this money going to come from? Obamacare needs to wait. In the end that will help for the government to stay running; at least for a period of time seeing as how this wasn't the first time.